Prepared by Lucia Valente
Ajayi Polytechnic – Mission
The main essence of polytechnic education is to promote technical and vocational training and enhance the transfer of technology for the economic development of the country. Ajayi polytechnic’s Philosophy, Vision, Mission and Objectives are in tandem with the national philosophy and objectives of technical education in Nigeria. Ajayi Polytechnic (Govt. Approved) was founded to provide necessary training and appropriate skills that will make an individual to be self-reliant or be gainfully employed both in Nigeria or overseas.
On February 14, I met Dr. Busayo Ajayi, Rector of Ajayi Polytechnic and Mr. Julius Ayodele the Registrar. I had the opportunity to speak with both gentlemen prior to my visit and we shared many emails as we prepared for our meeting. I felt honoured to be in the company with an august group including Sir (Chief) Ajayi Senior who is the Chairman of the Governing Council of Ajayi Polytechnic. I could see that Sir (Chief) Ajayi is a vital influence on the Ajayi culture.

Professor M. F. Alonge, Dean/Director of Academics Programmes made the initial presentation and framed out the approach that Ajayi takes to teaching, specifically in the areas of analytical sciences. It was encouraging to note that Professor Alonge sees the potential of CCN’s solution and its value for Ajayi Polytechnic.
CCN’s presentation was well received, with many questions from the audience. I was heartened to see that Ajayi Polytechnic included students in the audience. They were a little shy to ask questions in the larger group. Following the presentation, I had the opportunity to speak with several of them and I was pleased to see that they were receptive to CCN’s work and how it could enhance learning at Ajayi. They particularly like that it works so well on mobile devices.

Following the formal presentation, I arranged a virtual demo for a small group of lecturers. Using ‘JoinMe’ Dara hosted a demo to share with several lecturers a cross section of our work. They were specifically interested in Mathematics and Computer Science. It took a while to connect and then it all worked out well. I found that the sequence of how we share our work is important. We begin the formal presentation with a short demo of a cross section of sample modules focused when possible on the audience. – Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics or various areas of life sciences.

Then I made the formal PowerPoint presentation to provide a high-level overview of CCN’s work and focused on computational cloud technology. The most important part of the presentation structure is the final section – the virtual interactive session with Dara, our Chief Architect. This has proven to be very successful. The personalized, virtual, interactive demo with lecturers is powerful and provides them with the actual experience of working with modules pertinent to their areas of specialty and see, in real time, how they can deploy and integrate the CCN solution into their course curriculum structure.
On February 15, Ajayi Polytechnic held its Spring Commencement and I was again honoured to be included with the dignitaries leading the Commencement Ceremony. It was an excellent event and for me it was an excellent experience to see how young students are oriented to the institution and its values. Overall it was a wonderful experience to meet with the Faculty and students of Ajayi Polytechnic and to be a small part of the ceremony introducing new students to Ajayi Polytechnic.

It is powerful to note that CCN’s Vision and Mission are congruent to the foundation principles of Ajayi:
Ajayi Polytechnic (Govt. Approved) was founded to provide necessary training and appropriate skills that will make an individual to be self-reliant or be gainfully employed both in Nigeria or overseas.