How does the process start?
It is not unusually to find that the professor does not have all course material to hand. That's ok, we start with what you do have.
It is a good idea to work through the content in the order in which it will be delivered in class.
What format should the content be in?
It doesn't matter. We can work from hand written notes, individual pages, whatever format the content is in, is fine.
Won't it take too much of my time?
If you were starting a course from scratch without a CCN you would invest time to prepare and collate all your material, the same happens if you are starting a course from scratch with CCN. If you are already presenting a course, provide us with the material and we will extrapolate it into the computational environment. What needs to happen then is testing and verifying.
What is particularly cool about having your data in this environment is the ease of updating it.

Your Material
The material can be in any format at all. Sometimes pictures of hand written notes! That's fine. Our turn around time is pretty quick with a dedicated programmer and project lead assigned to each Professor to ensure the material is converted to the specification and in the order required within agreed time parameters.
It is one of our primary objectives to make the transition to CCN technology as painless and easy for you as we can. You can be involved as much or as little as you like in the conversion process. We provide constant ongoing release of each element to you for approval.
Student sign up
Each student is provided with their personal log in to access the material on payment. The Professor can choose to only display the content as in becomes relevant in the content of the semester. For students, being independent of books, facilitates studying whenever they have the opportunity, dependent only on broadband connectivity. The environment is fully responsive and works just as well on mobile phones as computers.